Last week, when it drizzled in the ever-sunny city of my residence, I stopped by at a Barnes & Noble bookstore. For the past few years, I’ve been on-and-off writing my first novel, and I wanted to research the tone and style of recently published books.
As is always the case whenever I’m in bookstores, I was tempted to make a purchase. But reminding myself that I already have piles of novels and stories to read at home, I resisted all temptation to purchase another book. (Plus, after the pandemic, the libraries will reopen.) But when passing by the magazine racks next to the cashier, I had to stop and purchase Bella Grace‘s Issue 29. It was just too aesthetic!
Bella Grace Magazine

The magazine was extremely costly; compared to an interior design magazine my mother purchased recently ($12.99), Bella Grace was a $19.99. It’s the most expensive magazine I’ve ever purchased!

But the content of the magazine is heartfelt and wholesome. It’s created and compiled by romanticists, optimists, and those who believe in the following:
“an ordinary life can be extraordinary, there is beauty in imperfection, and that magic can be found in the everyday.”
Bella Gracec
And their collection of writings and photographs truly reflect such beliefs and attitude toward life.

And Bella Grace is looking for submissions! They’re looking for narratives, photography, lists, and Instagram collections from writers and photographers who share their beliefs.
“At Bella Grace, [they] believe that:
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- An ordinary life can be an extraordinary life.
- There is beauty and magic to be found everywhere.
- It’s OK to embrace imperfection.
- Life should be lived with a full heart and open eyes.”
As I share these beliefs, I submitted photographs and a poem to the editor a few days ago. I’m really happy to have found a magazine that shares some of my beliefs as well as aesthetics! ✨
If you are a writer or photographer, especially a romantic or an optimistic one, I highly encourage you to read Bella Grace. And even take part in their movement to share life’s beauties!
P.S. To visit Bella Grace’s official website, click HERE.
P.P.S. For submission guidelines, check out this link: https://bellagracemagazine.com/submission-guidelines/