Photograph by Anya Chernik

It seems like just a few months ago when I wrote my review for the 2023 Game of Shrooms. I can’t believe it’s been practically an entire year! And hence, in just 2 days, mushroom hiders and seekers will once again emerge to celebrate the Game of Shrooms.

If you’re new to my blog or to the “Game of Shrooms,” it’s an annual art scavenger hunt that will take place this Saturday, June 8, 2024. Created by Attaboy, this fun art event is a chance for artists around the world to create mushroom-themed artworks and hide them anywhere around the world for eager art hunters (?) to find and keep.

For FAQs and more on the Game of Shrooms, visit:

Or if you’d like to read my previous blog posts on the Game of Shrooms, click HERE!

🍄My Shroom Art #1

Last year, I created a mini portrait titled, Shroompoleon, of (you guessed it!) Napoleon Bonaparte. This year, I created a 2-piece artwork called the Faith series, which consists of a piece titled, “Hanging by a Thread” and another piece titled, “Redeemed.”

Faith series: “Hanging by a Thread,” 2024
by The Time Traveler
The back of “Hanging by a Thread”
Faith series: “Redeemed,” 2024
by The Time Traveler
The back of “Redeemed”

To whomever finds and keeps these pieces, I hope that they give you comfort and hope.

🍄My Shroom Art #2

Listening to my own advice from last year’s Game of Shrooms (again, which you can read all about HERE), I created more than one artwork to hide this year. My second shroom art for this year is: Praying for You. Voila!

Praying for You, 2024
by The Time Traveler
The back of Praying for You

I was inspired by this image of two mushrooms on Britannica. For some reason, they reminded me of two rappers posing together and hence came to be Praying for You!

🍄My Shroom Art #3

My third shroom art is, in a way, a continuation of last year’s Shroompoleon. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you Reine des Champignons, aka Queen of Shrooms.

Reine des Champignons
aka Queen of Shrooms, 2024
by The Time Traveler
The back of Reine des Champignons,
aka Queen of Shrooms

I was inspired by this Marie Antoinette drawing by an unidentified artist from Wellesley College Library’s Special Collections, shared by this cool journal Journal18.

I really like how this piece turned out!

🍄My Shroom Art #4

Lastly but not least, here is my piece, Can’t Take More Shiitake.

Can’t Take More Shiitake, 2024
by The Time Traveler.

And this piece comes with a mini easel! 😁

🍄Clues to Finding My Shroom Arts

Clues to the whereabouts of the above mushroom-themed artworks will be shared via my stories on Instagram. Tune in on Saturday morning at:

Good luck and happy creating, hiding and hunting! 🍄

P.S. Which of the 🍄 artworks do you like most? (More than one vote is more than welcome!)

The Time Traveler is an upcoming author who holds great appreciation for both classic literature and history. The author aspires to publish historical fictions and other written works in the near future, in hopes of creating works that entertain, inform, and inspire. The author also appreciates all things aesthetic and enjoys traveling around the world to learn and observe.

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